i work directly with artists to generate shows that are accessible & legible to a broad audience, and incorporate educational elements like theme maps, rather than fitting works into a restrictive overarching curatorial concept.
Naomi Hawksley, Arianna Khmelniuk, Diego Mireles Duran, Matt Reynolds, Jonathan Rosen, Whitney Vangrin, Julie Zhulink
photos by jordan benton
upper market gallery, sf nov 2023 - jan 2024
reality sandwich
tyler krasowski + kevin hennessylink
press ︎︎︎ artnet ︎︎︎ fad magazine ︎︎︎ hyperallergic
some photos by samuel sachs morgan, paasha motamedi
SPRING/BREAK Art Show, la feb 2023

SPRING/BREAK Art Show, nyc sept 2022

graphite stew
paul anagnostopoulos, creighton baxter, erik bender, corinne bernard, devra fox, nancy jean guerrero, naomi hawksley, bec imrich, betty katcher, natalie klapper, tyler krasowski, mad luellen, isabella manfredi, amanda martinez, joshua moreno, kennedy morgan, opal ong, eliot rattle, ryan scailsphotos by michael t workman
upper market gallery, sf, april 2022 - june 2022

you find yourself alone in the middle of a forest
tyler krasowski + opal mae onglink
selected press ︎︎︎ hyperallergic ︎︎︎ artnet ︎︎︎ art observed ︎︎︎ untitled magazine
some photos by samuel sachs morgan
SPRING/BREAK Art Show, la, feb 2022

upper market gallery, sf, oct 2021- mar 2022

upper market gallery, sf, feb - aug 2021

family portrait
nick fusaro, kathleen granados, kajin kim, leo madriz, paasha motamedi, ludovic nkoth, alexandria ryahl, aditi shah, sam sherman, areum yang, julie zhuphotos by briene lermitte link
hunter MFA building, ny, may - oct 2019

three four three four, bk, july 2019

el museo de los sures, bk, april - may 2018

copy translate repeat: contemporary works from the colección cisneros
as part of hunter curatorial practicumlink
205 hudson gallery, ny, feb - april 2018

after truth: new works by t eliott mansa
linkhunter east harlem gallery, ny, nov 2017 - jan 2018